Sunday, January 20, 2008

random thought for the day.

yep so this is morbid, but funny. (cant say i didn't warn you)

okay i was thinking this morning as i curled my hair....
i really haven't ever really thought of how i want to die, i mean besides joking that if the plane is going to go down with me on it I guess thats my destiny, nothing i can do to change that or that i would rather just die in my sleep-painless etc.... but then today........................ i realized i do sort of care about how i die, because i definitely DO NOT want to be eaten alive by a giant angry mutated grasshopper-lizard thing or one of his deflicted lil mutant babies....
dont you agree that would really just suck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gotta say, being mauled by a bear might be pretty awful as well... Always glad to start off my day thinking about such things


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